title |
rec date |
era |
Hail Purdue |
[?] |
1990s |
Hail Purdue |
1958 |
1950s |
Hail Purdue |
1993 |
1990s |
Hail Purdue |
[?] |
Hail Purdue |
1986 |
1980s |
Hail Purdue |
1987 |
1980s |
Hail Purdue |
1962 |
1960s |
Hail Purdue |
1983 |
1980s |
Hail Purdue |
1971 |
1970s |
Hail Purdue (Program 12) |
[?] |
1980s |
Hail Purdue (1972, w/ Purduettes) |
1972 |
1970s |
Hail Purdue |
[?] |
1960s |
Hail Purdue |
[?] |
1990s |
Hail Purdue |
1982 |
1980s |
Hail Purdue |
1983 |
1980s |
Hail Purdue |
1984 |
1980s |
Hail Purdue |
1949 |
1940s |
Hail Purdue (outro..on organ!) |
1975 |
1970s |
Hail Purdue |
1989 |
1980s |
Hail Purdue |
1993 |
1990s |
Hail Purdue |
1972 |
1970s |
Hallelujah, Amen |
[?] |
1990s |
Hallelujah, Amen |
1993 |
1990s |
Hallelujah, Amen |
2007 |
2000s |
Hallelujah, Amen |
[?] |
1950s |
Hallelujah, Amen |
[?] |
1990s |
Hallelujah, Amen |
2001 |
2000s |
Hallelujah, Amen |
1961 |
1960s |
Hallelujah, Amen |
1960 |
1960s |
Hallelujah, Amen |
1964 |
1960s |
The Halls of Ivy |
[?] |
The Halls of Ivy |
1969 |
1960s |
Hang on the Bell, Nellie (Chung Brothers) |
1971 |
1970s |
Hang on the Bell, Nellie |
1969 |
1960s |
Happy Birthday |
2003 |
2000s |
Happy Birthday |
1964 |
1960s |
Happy Birthday Tom Ringer |
1968 |
1960s |
Happy Wanderer |
[?] |
1990s |
Happy Wanderer |
1983 |
1980s |
Happy Wanderer (with Obernkirchen Children’s Choir) |
1964 |
1960s |
Happy Wanderer |
1964 |
1960s |
Happy Wanderer |
1964 |
1960s |
Harmony |
[?] |
1990s |
Harmony |
1993 |
1990s |
Harmony |
1974 |
1970s |
Harmony |
1978 |
1970s |
Harvest Moon |
1980 |
1980s |
Hava Nagila |
[?] |
1990s |
Hawaiian War Chant |
[?] |
1990s |
Hawaiian War Chant (79) |
1979 |
1970s |
Hawaiian War Chant |
[?] |
1970s |
Hawaiian War Chant |
1975 |
1970s |
Hawaiian Wedding Song |
1969 |
1960s |
He |
1982 |
1980s |
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother (Live) |
[?] |
1990s |
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother |
1993 |
1990s |
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother |
1997 |
1990s |
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother |
1993 |
1990s |
He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother |
[?] |
1990s |
Heart and Soul (Four Clever Lads) |
2001 |
2000s |
Hear Us Lord |
1980 |
1980s |
He Came Down to My Level |
2001 |
2000s |
He Didn’t Bring Us This Far (Mex93) |
[?] |
1990s |
Helmet |
1999 |
1990s |
Here |
1980 |
1980s |
Here (Knowles) |
1971 |
1970s |
Here Comes Heaven |
1979 |
1970s |
Here Comes Heaven (Cassidy) |
1983 |
1980s |
Here in My Heart (Jim Hubert) |
1979 |
1970s |
He Touched Me |
1980 |
1980s |
Hey Brother, Pour The Wine |
1977 |
1970s |
Hey Brother, Pour The Wine |
1978 |
1970s |
The Higher Education of Ole Blue |
1993 |
1990s |
Hi, Neighbor (With Purduettes) |
1972 |
1970s |
Hold On |
2001 |
2000s |
Holly Jolly Christmas (Mack Shultz) |
1967 |
1960s |
Holy Art Thou |
1948 |
1940s |
Holy Art Thou |
1958 |
1950s |
Holy Art Thou |
1948 |
1940s |
Holy Art Thou (Largo, Xerxes, Handel) |
1979 |
1970s |
Holy Art Thou (Handel) |
1980 |
1980s |
Holy Jesu by thy Passion (From The Crucifixion) |
1961 |
1960s |
Home |
[?] |
1990s |
Home Among the Gumtrees |
[?] |
1990s |
Home Sweet Home |
1980 |
1980s |
Home Sweet Home |
1957 |
1950s |
Home Sweet Home |
1964 |
1960s |
Home Sweet Home |
1964 |
1960s |
Home Sweet Home |
1964 |
1960s |
Homing (Del Riego) |
1971 |
1970s |
Homing |
[?] |
1970s |
Honey Babe (Standifer) |
1972 |
1970s |
How Excellent Is Thy Name |
1986 |
1980s |
How Excellent Is Thy Name |
1986 |
1980s |
How Great Thou Art (Tonne) |
1974 |
1970s |
How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place (Brahms) |
1984 |
1980s |
Hymn To The Eternal |
1980 |
1980s |