Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Rec. Year: 1993 | Added: 2/22/2021 | Era: 1990s | Director: Brian Breed | Arrangement: | Uploaded by: Paul L.

Collection: A Tradition of Excellence and Service
Comments: 1 Page views: 933 Duration: 02:55


Location: West Lafayette, Indiana
Genre: Collegiate | Type:


Singers: Chris Rininger. Add another tag. Composers:


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Pretty good.. club’s sounding great. But I recommend listening to this old Al Hemmer version recorded ~35 years earlier: https://pvgcdb.com/songs/entry/58_Gala_A1_Back_to_Old_Purdue,_Hemmer. Al used to stop by rehearsals when I was in club. He still loved singing and had his inimitable vibrato. I remember there being a black and white video of him performing this song. Al hits that high note toward the end better than I ever could 😉.

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on 8/14/2021

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