Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Category: Barbershop


Barbershop Tune

Rec. Year: 1964 | Added: 4/17/2024 | Era: 1960s | Location: Florence, Italy | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Al Stewart | Genre: Barbershop | Type:
Comments: 0 |

Coney Island Baby

Rec. Year: 1964 | Added: 2/15/2021 | Era: 1960s | Location: West Lafayette, Indiana | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Al Stewart | Genre: Barbershop | Type: End of Season
Comments: 1 |

Coney Island Baby

Rec. Year: 1981 | Added: 9/7/2021 | Era: 1980s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: cjeffboice
Director: Bill Luhman | Genre: A Cappella Barbershop | Type: End of Season
Singers: David Berry, Jeff Boice, Jeff Sauffer, Rick Parker,
Comments: 0 |

Dear Old Girl

Rec. Year: 1962 | Added: 8/11/2021 | Era: 1960s | Location: West Lafayette, Indiana | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Al Stewart | Genre: Barbershop | Type: Featuring Hall of Famer
Singers: Carl Taylor, David Cawood, George Powless, Jim Porter,
Comments: 2 |

Last Night On The Back Porch

Rec. Year: 1977 | Added: 3/14/2021 | Era: 1970s | Location: West Lafayette, Indiana | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Bill Luhman | Genre: Barbershop | Type: Studio Recording
Singers: Bryan Crary, Carl White, Matt Christoff, Mike Hendrickson,
Comments: 0 |

Last Night On The Back Porch

Rec. Year: 1977 | Added: 9/7/2021 | Era: 1970s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: cjeffboice
Director: Bill Luhman | Genre: A Cappella Barbershop | Type: Studio Recording
Comments: 0 |

Liza Loves You

Rec. Year: 1962 | Added: 8/11/2021 | Era: 1960s | Location: West Lafayette, Indiana | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Al Stewart | Genre: Barbershop | Type: Featuring Hall of Famer
Singers: Carl Taylor, David Cawood, George Powless, Jim Porter,
Comments: 0 |

Lonesome, That’s All

Rec. Year: 1964 | Added: 2/15/2021 | Era: 1960s | Location: West Lafayette, Indiana | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Al Stewart | Genre: A Cappella Barbershop | Type: End of Season |Featuring Hall of Famer
Singers: George Palace, Hastings Smith, Jim Porter, Lee Keipers,
Comments: 0 |
Lyrics: "It seems like a yearsince I've seen you dearyet I…"

Sugarcane Jubilee

Rec. Year: 1968 | Added: 9/1/2021 | Era: 1960s | Location: West Lafayette, Indiana | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Al Stewart | Genre: Barbershop | Type: End of Season |Specialty
Singers: The Pappas,
Comments: 0 |

Sweet Adeline

Rec. Year: 1961 | Added: 7/20/2023 | Era: 1960s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Al Stewart | Genre: Barbershop | Type: Specialty
Comments: 0 |

Sweet Sweet Roses of Morn

Rec. Year: 1993 | Added: 10/10/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Chrisrin
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: Barbershop | Type:
Singers: Ace Tyler, Bill Dingwall, Don Sparka, Homogenizers, John Cook,
Comments: 0 |

This Is The Moment

Rec. Year: 1997 | Added: 1/21/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: [?] | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: Barbershop Broadway | Type: Featuring Hall of Famer
Singers: Brandon Tiek,
Comments: 0 |

This Is the Moment

Rec. Year: 1990s | Added: 9/1/2021 | Era: 1990s | Location: West Lafayette, Indiana | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Brian Breed | Genre: Barbershop Broadway | Type: Featuring Hall of Famer |Solo
Singers: Brandon Tiek,
Comments: 0 |

Unchained Melody

Rec. Year: 1986 | Added: 3/23/2021 | Era: 1980s | Location: West Lafayette, Indiana | Uploaded by: Paul L.
Director: Bill Allen | Genre: Barbershop Doo Wop Popular / Standards | Type: End of Season |Specialty
Singers: Chuck Nalon, Greg Mantock, Mark Erwin, Tony Avellana,
Comments: 0 |