Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Rec. Year: [?] | Added: 1/21/2021 | Era: 1990s | Director: Brian Breed | Arrangement: | Uploaded by: Paul L.

Comments: 3 Page views: 578 Duration: 02:49


Location: [?]
Genre: Traditional | Type:


Singers: Doug Harrell. Add another tag. Composers:


To the tables down at Mory's

To the place where Louie dwells

To the dear old Temple bar we love so well

Sing the Whiffenpoofs assembled with their glasses raised on high

And the magic of their singing casts it's spell


Yes, the magic of their singing of the songs we love so well

"Shall I Wasting" and "Mavourneen" and the rest

We will serenade our Louie while life and voice shall last

Then we'll pass and be forgotten with the rest


We're poor little lambs who have lost our way

Baa, baa, baa

We're little black sheep who have gone astray

Baa, baa, baa


Gentleman songsters off on a spree

Doomed from here to eternity

Lord have mercy on such as we

Baa, baa, baa


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Who is the “Doug” singing this?

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Paul L.

on 1/27/2021

It’s Doug Harrell


on 8/9/2021
from Cincinnati

Thanks! Age-old mystery solved. That song is burned into my brain from new man’s recordings.

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Paul L.

on 8/10/2021

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