Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Rec. Year: 1994 | Added: 8/3/2021 | Era: 1990s | Director: Brian Breed | Arrangement: | Uploaded by: Paul R

Comments: 0 Page views: 462 Duration: 02:48


Location: [?]
Genre: Popular / Standards | Type: Solo


Singers: David Bowker. Add another tag. Composers: Willy Welch


Saturday summers, when I was a kid
We'd run to the schoolyard and here's what we did
We'd pick out the captains and we'd choose up the teams
It was always a measure of my self esteem

'Cause the fastest, the strongest, played shortstop and first
The last ones they picked were the worst
I never needed to ask, it was sealed,
I just took up my place in right field.


Right field, it's easy, you know.
You can be awkward and you can be slow
That's why I'm here in right field
Just watching the dandelions grow

Playing right field can be lonely and dull
Little Leagues never have lefties that pull
I'd dream of the day they'd hit one my way
They never did, but still I would pray
That I'd make a fantastic catch on the run
And not lose the ball in the sun
And then I'd awake from this long reverie
And pray that the ball never came out to me
Here in...

Right field, it's easy, you know.
You can be awkward and you can be slow
That's why I'm here in right field
Just watching the dandelions grow

Off in the distance, the game's dragging on,
There's strikes on the batter, some runners are on.
I don't know the inning, I've forgotten the score.
The whole team is yelling and I don't know what for.

Then suddenly everyone's looking at me
My mind has been wandering; what could it be?
They point at the sky and I look up above
And a baseball falls into my glove!

Here in right field, it's important you know.
You gotta know how to catch, you gotta know how to throw,
That's why I'm here in right field, just watching the dandelions grow!


Recorded by Peter, Paul and Mary in 1986. The roaring applause towards the end of the song was due to the stunt of David Bowker catching a baseball thrown far from offstage (usually by Chad Snellgrove, I think). This particular performance was likely from First Nighter, so it could be 1993 instead of 1994.

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