Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Rec. Year: 1977 | Added: 9/7/2021 | Era: 1970s | Director: Bill Luhman | Arrangement: | Uploaded by: cjeffboice

Comments: 6 Page views: 1230 Duration: 03:41


Location: [?]
Genre: Classical Sacred | Type: Studio Recording


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Do you know what recording this is from?

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Paul L.

on 9/8/2021

Paul, no I don’t. It’s from one of the LP’s I was sent as a practice recording the summer of ‘79 before my freshman year, so 1977 seemed a decent guess! Maybe somebody out there can say definitively?  JB

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on 9/8/2021

Great! This is a much better (and I presume identical) version of what I had from Program 10.


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Paul L.

on 9/8/2021

That sounds the same to me! I noticed this morning that many of the songs I uploaded yesterday are duplicates of what you already had from the ‘80 and ‘82 EOS concerts. Sorry about that!

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on 9/8/2021

Don’t be - I think nearly all of them are far better in quality.

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Paul L.

on 9/8/2021

Okay, good to hear, but feel free to delete any you think are cluttering things up. No worries.

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on 9/8/2021

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