Remembering Bill Allen: Assistant Director: 1970-1982. Director: 1982-1989.
Bill directing The Lord's Prayer | Bill's songs and albums | Obituary

Rec. Year: 1993 | Added: 8/4/2021 | Era: 1990s | Director: Brian Breed | Arrangement: | Uploaded by: Paul R

Comments: 0 Page views: 762 Duration: 02:35


Location: [?]
Genre: Popular / Standards | Type: Solo |Stag Night


Singers: Doug Harrell. Add another tag. Composers: John Blackburn, Karl Suessdorf


Pennies in a stream
Falling leaves of a sycamore
Moonlight in Vermont

Icey finger waves
Ski trails on a mountain side
Snowlight in Vermont

Telegraph cables, they sing down the highway
And travel each bend in the road
People who meet, in this romantic setting
Are so hypnotized by the lovely
Evening summer breeze
Warbling of a meadowlark
Moonlight in Vermont

Telegraph cables, they sing down the highway
And travel each bend in the road

People who meet, in this romantic setting
So hypnotized by the lovely

Evening summer breeze
Warbling of a meadowlark
Moonlight in Vermont

You and I and moonlight in Vermont
Moonlight in Vermont


First released in 1944, sung by Margaret Whiting.

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