Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Rec. Year: 1964 | Added: 2/15/2021 | Era: 1960s | Director: Al Stewart | Arrangement: | Uploaded by: Paul L.

Collection: End of Season, 1964
Comments: 1 Page views: 1369 Duration: 01:32


Location: West Lafayette, Indiana
Genre: International | Type: End of Season


Singers: Denny Lipp. Add another tag. Composers:


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Via Angie Klink “I believe it is my brother with the high solo in the Wimowey song from 1962.
Dennis D. Lipp. I know he was famous for that song and could sing so high
that window glass would tremble. This brought tears to my eyes. He passed
away in 2001.”

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Paul L.

on 9/7/2021

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