Remembering Bill Allen: Assistant Director: 1970-1982. Director: 1982-1989.
Funeral Service for Bill Allen | Bill directing The Lord's Prayer | Bill's songs and albums | Obituary

Rec. Year: 2004 | Added: 6/3/2024 | Uploaded by: Paul L.

Comments: 0 Page views: 840 Duration: 00:58:37

Video Details

My in-laws found this spring-cleaning surprise in a cabinet. Pretty good video and audio quality for the era. There seems to be a second installment which I don’t have. (pretty fancy DVD artwork though!) Medleys were en vogue that year: Steven Foster, Beach(ed) Boys, Elvis, etc.

A few photos with the DVD:

DVD Cover Art

The Ehrlich’s shared a nice note, attached to the DVD case.

Ehrlich note

Source: Paul Larson


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