Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Rec. Year: 1958 | Added: 1/5/2022 | Era: 1950s | Director: Al Stewart

Comments: 0 Page views: 1297

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Location: [?]
Source: Ebay


Ebay purchase. Since Isaac Peltynovich (HOF) graduated in 58, I'm dating it then until further notice.

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  1. I Am The Nation
       Rec. Year: 1958 | Added: 3/9/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 906 Duration: 07:13
      Singers: Isaac Peltynovich
  2. Lacrymosa (Mozart Requiem)
       Rec. Year: 1958 | Added: 3/9/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 619 Duration: 03:24
  3. Deep River (Freshman Quartet)
       Rec. Year: 1958 | Added: 3/9/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 681 Duration: 02:16


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