Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Rec. Year: 1961 | Added: 1/6/2022 | Era: 1960s | Director: Al Stewart

Comments: 0 Page views: 1463

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Source: Bill McGaughey collection

More information about these volunteer categories

  1. Battle Hymn of the Republic
       Rec. Year: 1970s | Added: 11/8/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 98 Duration: 03:34
      Singers: Tom Lefevre
  2. Doney Gal
       Rec. Year: 1970s | Added: 11/8/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 114 Duration: 02:51
      Singers: Dick Plothow
  3. This Old Riverboat
       Rec. Year: 1970s | Added: 11/8/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 92 Duration: 01:51
      Singers: Jack Strite, The Scholars Trio, Tom Lefevre, William Mcgaughey
  4. A Very Good Year
       Rec. Year: 1970s | Added: 11/8/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 121 Duration: 04:21
      Singers: Jack Strite, The Scholars Trio, Tom Lefevre, William Mcgaughey
  5. It’s You
       Rec. Year: 1970s | Added: 11/8/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 94 Duration: 03:40
      Singers: Dick Plothow, Joseph Algozine, Mack Shultz, Ronald J. Walz, Ronald L. Rockhold, William Mcgaughey
  6. Little Innocent Lamb
       Rec. Year: | Added: 11/8/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 94 Duration: 01:06
  7. Gonna Build A Mountain
       Rec. Year: 1970s | Added: 11/8/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 100 Duration: 02:58
      Singers: Ted Howard
  8. Old Man River
       Rec. Year: 1970s | Added: 11/8/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 85 Duration: 03:59
      Singers: Phil Jenkins
  9. Guardian Angels
       Rec. Year: 1970s | Added: 11/8/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 995 Duration: 03:56
      Singers: Ken Knowles
  10. I Believe
       Rec. Year: 1970s | Added: 11/8/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 570 Duration: 02:16
      Singers: Ken Knowles
  11. Born Free
       Rec. Year: | Added: 11/8/2021 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 481 Duration: 02:53


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