Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Rec. Year: 1969 | Added: 1/6/2022 | Era: 1960s 1970s | Director: Al Stewart

Comments: 0 Page views: 689

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Source: Sonya Stewart Eddy Collection

More information about these volunteer categories

  1. Carol Of The Bells
       Rec. Year: 1960s 1970s | Added: 11/30/2022 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 828 Duration: 00:01:24
  2. We Need a Little Christmas Bells
       Rec. Year: 1960s 1970s | Added: 11/30/2022 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 336 Duration: 00:01:29
  3. Gloria in excelsis Deo
       Rec. Year: 1960s 1970s | Added: 11/30/2022 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 332 Duration: 00:00:47
  4. Island Christmas Song
       Rec. Year: 1960s 1970s | Added: 11/30/2022 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 350 Duration: 00:01:50
  5. What Can I Give You This Christmas
       Rec. Year: 1960s 1970s | Added: 11/30/2022 | Comments: 0 | Page views: 350 Duration: 00:04:45


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