Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Rec. Year: 2003 | Added: 5/23/2022 | Uploaded by: Paul L.

Comments: 3 Page views: 1173 Duration: 01:00:27

Video Details

In this 2003 interview, Hall of Famer Mark Loepker invited me to his boyhood home in Lafayette. Prior to that, I met him at Glee Club camp, where he re-introduced the Super Rooster to our class. Mark talks about surprise freshman solos, wardrobe malfunctions, singing behind the Iron Curtain and a perspective of freedom from a Glee Club point of view.


Wow!!  Thought I’d check it out and listen to a few minutes but ended up watching the whole thing. So many memories.

A few things. Our trio, the Three Scholars was the first guitar, banjo, bass trio. There were other trios before us, but we were the first with that instrumentation. Probably because when we started in 64 it was during the Kingston Trio era.

Between GC, Collegiate Singers and the trio we were also out 3-5 nights a week, most weeks. My junior and senior years I made enough to pay for my schooling. Imagine that.

Mark’s comment about singing with emotion. So true. We didn’t sing notes, we sang emotions. Learning how to present yourself in front of people.

I have often said in terms of my business career, I learned more from the GC than from my schooling. We also traveled into East Berlin and we had our story. We had a guy that was born in Cuba who was our soloist for Born Free. On the bus rides, our A bus always had 2 card games going, one poker the other bridge. Al was always at the poker table. My favorite memory about the buses was before we left the Hall of Music, Al was always the last to get on and he’d have this huge wad of bills. Then he’d go from one guy to the next doling out the per Diem meal money. So many awesome memories. More than I could mention. Thanks again for posting that.

Bill, c/o1968

PVGC user

Bill McGaughey

on 5/24/2022

Oh, Paul… this was so wonderful to watch… Mark and Sandy were always two of my favorite PMO-ers over my MANY years surrounded by the Glee Club and Purduettes… if I may… one of my favorite Mark Loepker stories is… in 1976 there was a first and only collaboration between PMO, the Purdue Bands and the Purdue Theatre department putting on the musical 1776 in Loeb Playhouse… Mark was Jefferson, Sandy was Martha and I was the stage manager… all the roles but one were played by Glee Clubbers… it was an amazing production - directed by Wayne Lamb and sound effects by my father, Mickey McGuire… there was one night I called for the winch to bring on the platform for the scene where Jefferson is trying to write the Declaration… the wall opened the platform moved downstage… there was NO THOMAS JEFFERSON… well… I might have pulled an Al Stewart (IYKYK) all over the microphone until Mark got onstage… makes me laugh to this day… thanks for all the memories Mark… and a few tears too…

PVGC user

Kevin Casey

on 6/13/2022
from Indianapolis

Mark and Paul, thanks for the memories! I was the class of ‘83, and we were still wearing those blue “smoking jackets” all 4 years that I was in GC, LOL! Oh, and Bill Luhman did continue the Collegiate Singers and paying us for the specialty shows. I learned more from my time in GC than I did from any of my schooling. I went from being a wide-eyed freshman kid from the cornfields wandering the streets of Chicago following the upper class-men to find a place to eat before the show, to as a senior being one of the van drivers driving the guys into Chicago. Big changes in 4 years, and lots of good memories! The Glee Club was a great experience.

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on 6/14/2022

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