Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Rec. Year: 1969 | Added: 4/27/2022 | Era: 1960s | Director: Al Stewart | Arrangement: | Uploaded by: Paul R

Collection: End of Season, 1969
Comments: 0 Page views: 134 Duration: 3:08


Location: [?]
Genre: | Type: End of Season |Featuring Hall of Famer |Specialty


Singers: Bob Sipp, David Pope, Pat Hutchins, Steven Chung. Add another tag. Composers:


I'm goin' where them chilly winds don't blow
Gonna find a true love
That is where I want to go
Out where them chilly winds don't blow
Sing your song,
Sing it soft and low
Sing it for your baby
And then I'll have to go
Out where them chilly winds don't blow
Wish I was a headlight
On a westbound train
I'd shine my light on
Cool Colorado range
Out where them chilly winds don't blow
If you're feelin' lonely,
If you're feelin' low
Remember that I loved you
More than you will ever know
Goin' where them chilly winds don't blow
I'm leavin' in the springtime,
Won't be back till fall
If I can forget you,
I might not come back at all
Out where them chilly winds don't blow
Out where them chilly winds don't blow
Out where them chilly winds don't blow


a Kingston Trio song

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