Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Rec. Year: 1969 | Added: 4/27/2022 | Era: 1960s | Director: Al Stewart | Arrangement: | Uploaded by: Paul R

Collection: End of Season, 1969
Comments: 0 Page views: 117 Duration: 2:10


Location: [?]
Genre: | Type: End of Season |Featuring Hall of Famer |Specialty


Singers: Michael W. Chung, Steven Chung. Add another tag. Composers:


Away, away with rum, by gum, rum, by gum, rum, by gum.
Away, away with rum, by gum, the song of the Temperance Union.

We're coming, we're coming, our brave little band.
On the right side of temperance we do take our stand.
We don't use tobacco because we do think...
That the people who use it are likely to drink.

Away, away with rum, by gum, rum, by gum, rum, by gum.
Away, away with rum, by gum, the song of the Temperance Union.

We never eat cookies because they have yeast.
And one little bite turns a man to a beast.
Can you imagine a sadder disgrace...
Then of a man in the gutter with crumbs on his face.

Away, away with rum, by gum, rum, by gum, rum, by gum.
Away, away with rum, by gum, the song of the Temperance Union.

We never eat fruitcake because it has rum.
And one little bite turns a man to a bum.
Can you imagine a sorrier sight...
Than a man eating fruitcake until he gets tight.

[2 singers harmonizing, ad-libbing:
[1] He gets tight. [2] He gets tight.
Man eating fruitcake.
Fru-u-u-u-u-uit cake.
[Etc,, ending together with:]
Fruitcake gets tight. [pause]
[Broadly:] We wish you a merry fruitcake!

We're coming, we're coming, our brave little band.
On the right side of temperance we do take our stand.
We don't use tobacco because we do think...
That the people who use it are likely to drink.

Away, away with rum, by gum, rum, by gum, rum, by gum.
Away, away with rum, by gum, the song of the Temperance Union.


Popularized by the Chad Mitchell Trio

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