Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Rec. Year: 1969 | Added: 4/27/2022 | Era: 1960s | Director: Al Stewart | Arrangement: | Uploaded by: Paul R

Collection: End of Season, 1969
Comments: 0 Page views: 107 Duration: 2:36


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[applause and run-on]  

Location: [?]
Genre: A Cappella Collegiate | Type: End of Season


Singers: . Add another tag. Composers: Henry Russell, Vick Knight


Oh, we love the halls of Ivy that surround us here today,
And we will not forget though we be far, far, far away.

To the hallowed halls of Ivy, every voice will bid farewell
And shimmer off in twilight like the old vesper bell.

One day a hush will fall; 
The footsteps of us all
Will echo down the hall and disappear.
But as we sadly start our journeys far apart,
A part of every heart will linger here.

In the sacred halls of Ivy, 
Where we’ve lived and learned to know 
That through the years we’ll see you in the sweet afterglow.


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