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Obernkirchen connection from 1964

Posted: July 19, 2024.
Page views: 432

From a prior blog post:

“ONE OF THE highlights of the entire tour will be their stop at Bückeburg, Germany, home of the famous Obernkirchen Children’s Choir. Here they will sing two concerts under the sponsorship of the Children’s Choir, and during this three-day stop over, they will be guests in the homes of the children.”

There is a recording from this tour (Bückeburg Garden Party) which features the children’s choir joining the Glee Club.

“We will spend three days in Bückeburg…with these children and… meet their families personally. We’ve met the children many times, also correspond regularly with Edith Möller their conductress, and they’re wonderful kids. And the first time we ever met them, they taught my boys a wonderful song then had not been known. But since that time has become a bestseller in our country, and I think probably yours…”

Al Stewart and the Glee Club were instrumental in making the children’s choir known in America, and the song “The Happy Wanderer” in particular. The next time you hum that tune, thank Al Stewart!

Since that concert audio was available, I sent a message to a similar alumni website, “Society of former Obernkirchen Children’s Choir members”.

Während meines Studiums war ich Mitglied des Purdue Varsity Glee Club (Männerchor). Vor sechzig Jahren knüpfte der Direktor (Al Stewart) des Glee-Clubs eine Beziehung zum Kinderchor Obernkirchen.

Vor Kurzem habe ich Aufnahmen von einem gemeinsamen Auftritt des Glee-Clubs und des Kinderchors im Jahr 1964 erhalten. Es gibt auch Aufnahmen von Edith Möller.

Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß mit diesen Erinnerungen!

MfG Paul


While I was in college, I was a member of the Purdue Varsity Glee Club (men’s chorus). Sixty years ago, the director (Al Stewart) of the Glee Club established a relationship with the Obernkirchen Children’s Choir.

I recently obtained recordings of a joint performance by the Glee Club and the Children’s Choir in 1964. There are also recordings of Edith Möller.

I hope you enjoy these memories!

I was happy to receive the following response from a choir member who was actually there 50 years ago:

Lieber Paul,

Vielen Dank für diese Links - es sind wunderbare Erinnerungen. 1964 war ich ebenfalls dabei - aber noch sehr jung, erinnere mich sehr wohl an Euren Besuch. Purdue Varsity Glee Club war bei uns immer was Besonderes, in Bückeburg oder in Lafayette.

Inzwischen erstelle ich die Chronik des Obernkirchen Children’s Choir und im letzten Jahr hatte wir unsere erste große Ausstellung - die im nächsten Jahr in Obernkirchen wiederholt wird. John Roberts und seine Frau Debbie waren extra aus Amerika angereist - toll !

Vielen Dank für diese Links und wenn Du noch mehr hast, bitte gerne schicken. Sind das Live-Mitschnitte ? Ich sammle alles was mit dem Chor zusammenhängt.

Schöne Grüße aus Bückeburg Wolfgang


Dear Paul,

Thank you very much for these links - they are wonderful memories. I was there in 1964 too - but still very young, I remember your visit very well. Purdue Varsity Glee Club was always something special for us, in Bueckeburg or in Lafayette.

In the meantime, I am compiling the chronicle of the Obernkirchen Children’s Choir and last year we had our first big show - which will be repeated next year in Obernkirchen. John Roberts and his wife Debbie came all the way from America - great!

Many thanks for these links and if you have any more, please send them. Are these live recordings ? I collect everything related to the choir.

Best regards from Bückeburg Wolfgang

Small world!


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