Remembering Larry Rothenberger, class of 1969
1947 - 2024 Obituary 

Bill: McGaughey, Let There Be Music

Posted: September 19, 2024.
Page views: 245

Bill McGaughey provided many recordings to PVGCDB a few years ago. Back in 2003, he found a bunch of vintage PVGC tapes and reels when he was housecleaning , surprised at the treasures he found. I had a similar experience after the PVGC 125th, with all the gems I found on the Scott Hines reel to reel transfers.

Bill’s letter is too good to be buried in the site, so I’ve reposted it as a blog. Enjoy!

“Hey Paul. Found a write up I did shortly after I found and digitized the tape. [2003] I think the thing that was so special about it was here was Al at his very best. Something we never got on the records.”
August 30, 2021

It started as a simple basement cleaning exercise a few months ago. I was on a no holds barred; take no prisoners mission when I came upon a simple, brown cardboard storage box. I thought I should at least see what’s inside before I committed it to the dumpster. To my surprise, it was filled with old reel-to-reel tapes I hadn’t seen, or obviously listened to, in many, many years. The box had survived numerous moves and had been sitting in a damp basement for at least the last 15 years, an almost certain formula for audio tape disaster. My first instinct was to just toss it. After all, any tapes in the box were certainly ruined by now. But my natural curiosity and some innate need to never throw anything of any value away drove me into that box. As I started to sort through the tapes I found most to be old pop music I’d recorded back in the 60’s and 70’s. As I got to the bottom I found them: two boxes of Scotch ¼” audiotape, Model 111. On the back of the first box, hand written in blue ink, was the following: Side 1 – Beginning through Plothow “Yesterday.” Side 2 – “Danny Boy through Introduction to “Scholars”. I knew immediately it was Mickey McGuire’s handwriting. I was stunned.

I don’t remember exactly how I came to have these tapes. I suspect I asked Mickey to run a copy of my final concert, as I had done on previous occasions while in the club. I took the first tape out of its box and to no surprise; the sides were covered with mildew. Not a good sign. I took them upstairs and cleaned them up the best I could. Then the search began for my vintage Sony reel-to-reel tape recorder. I knew I hadn’t thrown it away. A frantic rifling of the house finally located it in the back of one of our closets. At least I had the sense not to store it in the basement with the tapes. I probably haven’t used it in 20 years so I wasn’t expecting much. I took the covers off, cleaned the rolls and capstans, oiled the rollers and put it back together. I apprehensively plugged it in and pressed the on button. Much to my surprise there was no smoke. The lights came on and I could hear the motors purring. So far, so good. The moment of truth had arrived. I gingerly loaded the first tape, threaded it through the capstan and onto the take up reel. Remember the old reel to reels? I put the earphones on and with not much confidence twisted the start lever to play. The tape started rolling.

Coming from offstage, I heard us singing the Purdue Hymn. I was mesmerized. As the song ended I heard us start to run on stage. The applause started to build; then it increased as Bill moved to the piano and finally it was obvious Al had walked to center stage. Bill started an introduction that became so much a part of us, Let There Be Music filled the earphones and I was off on a trip I thought I’d never experience again. I was back on that stage for nearly 2 hours with the goose bumps and the tears and the emotions that made us so great.

I have some old glee club records I’ve tried to play from time to time, but they were so worn out it was always a disappointment. Plus, Al was never there. I even went so far as to contact Brian Breed a couple of years ago to see if there was a possibility to issue some “vintage” glee club material on CD. No luck.

The quality of what I listened to that afternoon was amazing considering the history of the tape and the machine it was being played on. There was more hiss at the beginning of each reel than I wanted to hear and an occasional dropout. Certainly not up to the digital standards we have become accustomed to these days, but overall, the quality was incredible. I believe now it was a first generation tape, copied from the master that was made for a WBAA broadcast that was scheduled for the day after commencement.

I knew immediately what I had to do: preserve these treasures and share them with as many of my Brothers as possible. Fortunately, a year and half ago, I obtained a digital MP3 player / recorder I have really enjoyed using. I eventually produced digital MP3 files from the tape and started the editing process of cutting the songs into individual tracks and doing what limited processing I could do to improve the sound. Finally, I reassembled the tracks and burned the CD’s you’re about to listen to. A true labor of love.

It’s all there…Al’s truly unique down home showmanship, Bill’s awe inspiring accompaniment, Dick Plothow, The Scholars, Kenny Knowles, Let There Be Music, The Eagle…only a few moments from our past, but a time that will live in my heart forever. I thought I’d never be in that place again.

So, 35 years later, the house lights are coming down. Make that last adjustment to your tie, check your fly and get ready to run on stage one more time.

Brothers, Sing On!
Bill McGaughey
Easton, Connecticut
June 3, 2003


Wonderful!  Thanks, Bill, and thanks, Paul!

's avatar


on 9/20/2024

I get excited each time I see one of these emails in my INBOX.

Keep it up.

Kenny Birk

PVGC user

Kenny Birk

on 9/20/2024
from Westfield, IN

Hey Bill… reading this letter and the tears are rolling down my face… just reading my dad’s name… I wonder if anyone ever found the tapes from the 1969 Christmas Show when I played Scrooge in STINGIEST MAN IN TOWN…  thanks for sharing this story…
Kevin (McGuire) Casey

PVGC user


on 9/20/2024

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