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75 years ago: Disney and PVGC

Posted: January 15, 2024.
Page views: 992

Purdue’s @lifeatpurdue Instagram, via Dirk Harris, PVGC ‘89.

“On Jan. 15, 1949, legendary filmmaker Walt Disney visited #Purdue to premiere “So Dear to My Heart,” a live-action and animated #Disney movie that depicts a young boy’s life growing up on an Indiana farm in the early 1900s.”

“At the premiere, held at Elliott Hall of Music, the @PurdueVarsityGleeClub performed music from the movie and even compelled child actors Driscoll and Patten to join them in singing “Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)” from the film.”

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Always amazing to hear of things gone by regarding the PVGC… I do remember hearing my father, Mickey McGuire, talk about this event as he was a member of the club (or recently graduated and on staff as Graduate Assistant to Al Stewart) Thanks for sharing.
I also remember hearing that Walt Disney was a member of a fraternity that was on campus (cannot remember which) and he had his Imagineers send plans for amazing homecoming displays to the house.

PVGC user


on 1/19/2024
from Indianapolis

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